台湾生物产业发展协会(Taiwan Bio Industry Organization)成立于1989年,为台湾历史最优久且涵盖最多产业及学术代表的生技专业团体,本会会员包含许多根基稳固的资深厂商、新兴生技公司、学术研究机构及政府单位代表等,本会以联系并结合产业界及各学术部门,共同推动生物科技产业,以发展我国经济及提高全民生活质量为宗旨。
International Society for Vaccines is an organization that engages, supports and sustains the professional goals of a diverse membership in all areas relevant to vaccines. With the successful conclusion of the 2013 Vaccine and ISV Annual Congress and ISV General Meeting, a new set of elected officials to the Executive Board will guide the Society for the next two years. Goals are focused on expanding the membership database and the enhanced attendance at the Annual Congresses. In addition, an out research initiative has begun to partner with organizations to promote ISV activities, such as VacChina 2014.
The International Vaccine Institute (IVI) is the world’s only international organization devoted exclusively to developing and introducing new and improved vaccines to protect the world’s poorest people, especially children in developing countries. Its mission is to discover, develop, and deliver safe, effective and affordable vaccines for developing nations. Established in 1997 at the initiative of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), IVI operates as an independent nonprofit organization under a treaty signed by 35 countries and the World Health Organization (WHO). The Institute conducts research in more than 20 countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America on vaccines primarily against enteric and diarrheal infections, Japanese encephalitis, and dengue fever, and develops new and improved vaccines at its headquarters in Seoul, Republic of Korea, its host country. For more information, please visit www.ivi.int.